The term adapt is from the early 15c."to fit (something, for some purpose)," from Old French adapter (14c.), from Latin adaptare "adjust, fit to," from ad "to" (see ad-) + aptare "to join," from aptus "fitted."
We are constantly fitting into a purpose. Fit into a new job. Fit into a new family. Who moved my cheese? To adapt is much more difficult then we think. Change is a rewiring of our life. A rewiring of our brain. Adapting is a crucial skill in your portfolio.
Conception of way, emotional sigh of hope, forest of mirrors
We are constantly fitting into a purpose. Fit into a new job. Fit into a new family member. Who moved my cheese? To adapt is much more difficult then we think. Change is a rewiring of our life. A rewiring of our brain. Adapting is a crucial skill in your portfolio. & Conception of way, emotional sigh of hope, forest of mirrors