The term analysis is from the 1580s, "resolution of anything complex into simple elements" (opposite of synthesis), from Medieval Latin analysis (15c.), from Greek analysis "solution of a problem by analysis," literally "a breaking up, a loosening, releasing," noun of action from analyein "unloose, release, set free; to loose a ship from its moorings."
Analysis is a complement to convergent and divergent thinking and enables breaking down complex concepts and problems into smaller, easier-to-understand constituents. It is a deduction where a bigger concept is broken down to smaller ones. This breaking down into smaller fragments is necessary for improved understanding. During the design phase, thinkers are required to break down the problem statement into smaller parts and study each one of them separately. The smaller components of the problem statement should be solved one-by-one. Then, brainstorming will enable solutions for each of the small problems. Please do not fall into analysis paralysis.
Resolve to engage, release the new ideas, move away moorings