The verb churn originated in the mid-15c., chyrnen, "to stir or agitate (milk or cream) to make butter," from churn (n.). Extended sense "shake or agitate violently" is from late 17c. Acquiring customers is difficult so churning customers is a problem to solve. As the etymology of churn suggests, customers "shake or agitate violently" when "churning." Do you want customers to shake and agitate violently? That does not sound like fun. How can you keep customers and prevent churn? Better than solving the problem of churning customers is to predict churn. Predicting churn is a multi-prong strategy which involves meeting the customer expectation of your value proposition and using AI to predict which customers will churn. AI can pinpoint the "why before the buy" and the reasons for churning. Stay ahead of the agitation.
Playing game theory, Risking and mitigating, winning and losing