The term code is c. 1300, "systematic compilation of laws," from Old French code "system of laws, law-book" (13c.), from Latin codex, "systematic classification of statutory law," earlier caudex "book," literally "tree trunk," hence, book made up of wooden tablets covered with wax for writing.
Lawrence Lessig famously said that "code is law." Lessig pointed out that coders and software architects made important and often critical decisions about the rules under which the systems would be governed. Coders formulate the content and scope of the smart contracts and convert into computer executable code. Coders essentially are deciding the framework and its limits for the contracts that can be used in their version of a blockchain 2.0 application. Smart contracts will be customer driven with coders becoming quasi-lawyers. Coders as lawyers. Lawyers as coders.
Coding of the law, computers of wooden code, tree trunks and circuits