The term history is from the late 14c., "relation of incidents" (true or false), from Old French estoire, estorie "story; chronicle, history" (12c., Modern French histoire), from Latin historia "narrative of past events, account, tale, story," from Greek historia "a learning or knowing by inquiry; an account of one's inquiries, history, record, narrative," from historein "inquire," from histōr "wise man, judge."
The role of history in negotiations is well noted. Parties can develop trust over time, however there are also countless examples of protracted feuds that have developed as a result of conflicting interpretations and invocations of history. History is likely to play a pernicious role in negotiations – particularly when given an asymmetric history in which one party benefited at the expense of the other. Negotiations should be strategic, opportunistic, and realistic.
Incidents in the past, evolution of timelines, narratives of life