The term level is from mid-14c., "tool to indicate a horizontal line," from Old French livel "a level" (13c.), ultimately from Latin libella "a balance, level" (also a monetary unit), diminutive of libra "balance, scale, unit of weight."
Effective sales calls focus on the right level decision maker. There are three structures in decision making so selling at the proper level is paramount. The first is the sole decision maker. This person makes the final decision and is usually the CEO, President, or Division President. The second is the sole decision maker who requires board approval. Once you get a commitment, you will need to wait for the next board meeting or business cycle, and depending on other priorities, you may have to wait multiple cycles. The third is multiple decision makers. Even though there may be one person who approves the final decision, this person relies heavily on the decisions made by a team, or in some cases, group consensus. The sales cycle varies by size of deal and size of prospect.
Balance in selling, liberating the unknown, cycle through measures