The term payments is from the late 14c. The term pay is c.1200, "to appease, pacify, satisfy," from Old French paier "to pay, pay up" (12c., Modern French payer), from Latin pacare "to please, pacify, satisfy."
By 2025, purchase volume for goods and services by Visa, Mastercard, UnionPay, American Express, JCB, Discover, and Diners Club is expected to reach $54.9 trillion, which represents an increase in volume worldwide. Card usage varies significantly from one country to the next, with lower usage in Germany, Japan, and Mexico and higher use in Australia, Korea, Saudi Arabia, and the U.K. Global payment methods will define the future of global commerce. Cash, local debit/credit cards, direct debit, eWallets, bank transfers, real-time banking, and cash & prepaid vouchers. The advancement of mobile phone technology is creating a case for eWallets to be the only form of payments in the future.
Contours of the mind, thoughts gather in the ridges, activating mass