Origin in early 15c., "act in anticipation of," from Latin praeventus, past participle of praevenire "come before, anticipate, hinder," in Late Latin also "to prevent," from prae "before" (see pre-) + venire "to come," from a suffixed form of PIE root *gwa- "to go, come." Originally literal; sense of "anticipate to hinder" was in Latin, but not recorded in English until 1540s. Prevention of disasters such as cyber attacks and ranswomware are where AI and ML can earn a large Return on Investment (ROI) and increase (Return on Assets) ROA. What is interesting is AI and ML create an immune system for organizations. Hence, the same prevention humans use to prevent colds and the flu. AI and ML do not create the armor. AI and ML create a system that is strong from the inside out. A large shipping company was infected by ransomware costing the company in excess of $200M USD. The shipping company in turn purchased an AI solution to prevent future ransomware problems. AI and ML can also prevent situations on the "funds" side of an organization. AI and ML can prevent money laundering. AI and ML can mine tremendous amounts of disparate data to recognize patterns and thus prevent money laundering. Prevention activities are less costly than recovery activities.
Preventing mistakes, deeper into the system, arrive at solutions