The term symbol is from early 15c., "creed, summary, religious belief," from Late Latin symbolum "creed, token, mark," from Greek symbolon "token, watchword, sign by which one infers; ticket, a permit, licence" (the word was applied c.250 by Cyprian of Carthage to the Apostles' Creed, on the notion of the "mark" that distinguishes Christians from pagans), literally "that which is thrown or cast together."
Symbols are an important part of your story and can drive perceptions in people. Symbols can become associated with trust, honesty and reliability. Symbols are used on websites, marketing content, and storytelling and can have a life of their own. It is important to strike a balance between creativity and abstraction. The invisible hand of symbols can be powerful.
Marking a purpose, symbolism and power, strengthen a watchword.